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Drug Test News Radio is a non-profit Foundation, dedicated to empowering and supporting victims of false-positive drug screens or tests. A false-positive drug result has many far-reaching consequences, which can ruin a person’s life. In a medical setting, a false-positive result can lead to your dismissal from a medical office, and, you can be denied care at other practices. A false-positive result in job-related testing can lead to loss of employment, and, you can be denied other employment opportunities. In the criminal justice system, a false-positive result can lead to a violation of probation, and, time in jail or prison. The result can and will follow you for the rest of your life and the impact can be truly devastating. It can also happen to anyone.

Drug Test News Radio: Empowering and Supporting Victims

Our Foundation accepts donations to pay for testing at independent labs across America, so victims can prove their innocence. We are developing a platform for victims to share their stories, while creating a community of support to help people overcome the consequences of, and the trauma that accompanies being falsely accused of using illicit substances.

Not all Drug Testing Labs are the same

One of the missions of our Foundation is to shed light on the drug testing industry itself. There are numerous bad actors, but there are also good companies that mean well. Many companies cannot afford the risk of hiring or keeping workers who use drugs, and rightfully so. Medical practices must be concerned with any attempts at diversion, which is a great problem in our society. And probation officers would not be doing their jobs if they weren’t able to monitor the people under their supervision.

But problems arise anytime money is involved, and drug testing is a lucrative business. The Department of Justice and the Office of the Inspector General at the Department of Health and Human Services have successfully prosecuted a number of high-profile drug testing labs.

Excessive and unnecessary testing, and the consequent billing to insurance companies, raises the cost of healthcare to all, while also robbing taxpayer funded resources such as Medicare and Medicaid of money that could and should be spent on necessary services. Excess greed and cutting corners, and underpaid and poorly supervised staff and not following recommended protocols leads to the false-positive results that have destroyed so many lives. We seek to both learn and also educate others about best practices and what makes some of the drug testing laboratories good companies, while exposing the bad ones that have caused, and continue to cause so many problems for people and society.

Are you are a victim of a false-positive drug test? Or, would you like to make a donation to help victims? Please contact us today.